Wednesday, June 8, 2011

need a compass...

I have a few more offers to blog about but I've been super busy with work and the girls. I'm also need new ideas for companies that have multiple birth offers. Anyone out there have any suggestions? I'm also wondering if anyone finds this blog useful. I need a new direction for the blog since I don't really have more offers to blog about.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Learning Curve - Multiple Birth Offer

I sent off the girls birth certificates and a letter inquiring if Learning Curve Brands Inc offered a multiple birth program. I received a box with adorable Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore Cuddly Blankies. They also sent Take & Toss Spill Proof Cups.

1- Winnie the Poos Cuddly Blankie
1- Eeyore Cuddly Blankie
2- Take & Toss Spill Proof Cups

Contact Info:
Learning Curve/The First Years
100 Technology Center Dr, Ste 2A
Stoughton, MA 02072

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Skip Hop

I contacted Skip Hop to inquire if they had a multiple birth program. Unfortunately they do not. Here's the reply I received:

Thank you for your interest in Skip Hop!

Unfortunately we do not offer a multiples program at this time.

Feel free to join our mailing list of “friend” us on Facebook for promos.



Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ergo Baby Carrier

I emailed Ergo Baby inquiring if they had a multiple birth program. Alisa from their customer service emailed back stating that they did not have a multiple birth program but could offer a discount. The discount they offered was 15% off one carrier or 20% off two. I ended up ordering 2 carriers and the infant inserts. I also ended up speaking to Alisa over the phone. She was very helpful and made sure that I knew what I was ordering and the differences between their different carriers. I look forward to the carriers coming in a few days and wearing the babies.

Contact info:


I emailed customer at Lansinoh inquiring about a multiple birth program. Kesha from their consumer relations department emailed back stating they do not have a mulitple birth program but they would send out some samples.

2- sample packs of Clean & Condition Cloths
2- Breastfeeding pamphlets with a sample of HPA Lanolin
2- sample packs of Disposable Nursing Pads
2- sample packs of Breastmilk Storage Bags

On another note I caught a cold from the little ones and my nose is pretty red and irritated from blowing it so much. I thought I would try the Lanolin. I figured if it could help chapped nipples it would help my nose and lips rubbed raw from tissue. It's really helped!!!!

contact info:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beech Nut

I emailed Beech Nut through their website Beech Nut asking if they have a multiple birth program. A kind woman named Mary Anne from Beech Nut emailed me back. She was going to send along new parent pack for twins. She also said to sign up for their newsletter that contained useful information and coupons. She said that in order to receive two newsletters I would have to sign up with different email addresses. Thanks Beech Nut.

1- Feeding Guide
4- $1.00 off any Beech Nut Cereal
4- Save $1.00 when you purchase any 5 Beech Nut or Let's Grow items
4- Save $1.00 when you purchase $1.00 or more of any Beech Nut Product
2- Red Plastic Feeding Spoons

The Hain Celestial Group-Earth's Best Products

I contacted The Hain Celestial Group and they kindly sent some coupons my way. The enclosed letter stated that their website regularly has additional coupons and promotions.

4- 55¢ off any Earth's Best Product
4- Free Any One Jar of Earth's Best Baby Food (Retail Value up to $1.29)
2- 50¢ off any tub or refill package of Earth's Best Tendercare Baby Wipes
1- Earth's Best Feeding Guide

Contact info:
The Hain Celestial Group
4600 Sleepytime Drive
Boulder, CO 80301-3293