Saturday, March 26, 2011


Playtex sent me a letter informing me that their multiple birth program has been discontinued. They did however send along some coupons.

2-$6.99 off a purchase of Diaper Genie II, Diaper Genie II Elite Pail, or Diaper Genie II refill
1-$3.00 off any purchase of (1) Playtex Infant Product

Contact info:
Energizer Personal Care Consumer Affairs
P.O. Box 537
Neenah, WI 54957

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ocean Spray

brochure with cranberry recipes
1 coupon for free juice or juice drink 64 oz. or smaller
1 coupon for 55¢ on juice or juice drink 64 oz. or smaller

Contact info:
Ocean Spray Consumer Affairs
One Ocean Spray Drive
Lakeville-Middleboro, MA 02349

Sunday, March 20, 2011

stroller search

Yesterday we went stroller searching. We went to Traveling Tikes in Los Angeles. We walked in the store and a friendly guy said he would be with us in a few minutes. There were a few customers in the store. We ended up talking to another couple who also had twins. The twin mom's advice was to get a nanny or some help. She said sell a car if you have too. She almost had tears in her eyes so she made me tear up a little too. It made me realize how much I appreciated my hubby's help.

Back to stroller was then we realized it was almost an hour after the store's closing hours. The friendly sales guy said don't worry about it and took his time showing 3 different strollers. He inquired a little about our lifestyle to determine what we were looking for in a stroller. He showed us the features of the Baby Jogger City Select, Baby Jogger City Mini, and the Bumbleride Indie Twin.

I went in with an eye toward the Bumbleride Indie Twin. I think it's a great looking stroller that's easy to push. I didn't realize that it might be a little heavy for me to lift into the trunk and I'm not sure it's going to hit in the back of my Honda Accord. We haven't upgraded to a larger vehicle. I'm so in love with not having a car payment.

My husband likes the City Select because he wants a tandem stroller. He doesn't mind the little extra time it would involve in taking the seats off before placing it in the trunk. It also has multiple seat placement. They kiddies could both face forward, or face you, or one could face out and the other could face out. My hubby knows that I wouldn't like to have to take the seat off before puttting it away and I would be the one mostly using the stroller.

The salesman recommended the Baby Jogger Mini because he likes that it's a little lighter and a tad bit more compact when folded up. He also said that people will buy the bigger stroller and after a year or so will come back for the more lightweight stroller. He said might as well start off with it. It was also easy to push.

Decisions, decisions, decisions....Anyone have a stroller they love? Why do you love it?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Johnson & Johnson

I sent off a letter to Johnson & Johnson and they sent a letter back informing me that any offers could be found through their different websites,, or That was a bust.


By mistake I faxed a letter and copies of birth certificates as well as mailed one to Kimberly-Clark. I called wanting some coupons for Viva paper towels as well as Huggies coupons. The girls keep me so busy that I don't think I realized that Huggies and Viva are owned by the same company. Kimberly-Clark didn't send out twice the coupons they sent a one time gift of coupons as well as second letter informing me that they already sent me coupons.

When the girls first came home from the hospital I tried to use wipes but they ended up irritating their bottoms. No wonder they use dry wipes and moisten them with water at the hospital. I ended up using Viva towels as their wipes. I just moisten it with water and it has worked out well. I probably should have specified that in addition to diaper coupons I wanted to see if they had any coupons for Viva.

I received the following coupons:
2- $3 off any Huggies product
3- $1 off any Huggies product

Mead Johnson

Mead Johnson (Enfamil) sent out 2 cases of powdered Enfacare. It truly is a generous gift. It's about $180 worth of formula. Hands down this is one of the best multiple birth offers.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mead Johnson (Enfamil)

My husband tells me when he comes home from work that someone from Mead Johnson called. They wanted to confirm our address and they are sending off two cases of Enfacare. I sent a letter, copies of their birth certificates, and our NICU discharge papers. I'm really excited about this. The girls now go through the formula can in about 2 days. I'm hoping they send the powdered formula. My husband didn't think to ask.

Multiple Birth Offers - Medela

I emailed Medela customer service to inquire if they had a multiple birth program or samples they could send. Although I didn't receive an email back I did get a package in the mail.

I received:

sample of quick clean wipes
sample of disposable nursing pads
a breastfeeding information guide

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Multiple Birth Offers - Boudreaux's Butt Paste ®

On 2/19/11 I emailed Blairex Laboratories inquiring if they had a multiple birth program or samples they could send my way. I got an email two days later from the customer service manager asking me to forward a copy of their birth certificates and they would be happy to send some samples my way.

Today in the mail I received a package from them. Yay!!!! Such a quick response!! I was excited to open it. I would have never thought that I would be so excited to receive something called butt paste. I'll try them on the munchkins and see how they work out.

I received the following items:

2 Boudreaux's butt paste Butt Paste Bibs
2 tubes Boudreaux's butt paste Baby Kisses
2 1oz tubes Boudreaux's butt paste Butt Paste
5 sample sized Boudreaux's butt paste Butt Paste w/ $1 off coupons
4 sample sized Boudreaux's butt paste Butt Bath
4 sample sized Boudreaux's butt paste Baby Butt Smooth

I've searched the net, blogs, and message boards for multiple birth offers and have sent out letters. I'll be looking forward to what else comes in the mail.